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Cloud Technology

Unsystematic and incomplete lists of vendors, products, buzzwords, and whatever.


I have just discovered the Cloud Native Interactive Landscape which makes this document obsolete.

A whimsical list of pivotal points



Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Storage and backup

Apache Cassandra is the right choice when you need scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data. Cassandra’s support for replicating across multiple datacenters is best-in-class, providing lower latency for your users and the peace of mind of knowing that you can survive regional outages.

Ceph provides CephFS — POSIX-compliant network file system. Provides Block, File, and Object.

Gluster is a free and open source software scalable network file system. POSIX-compliant. Provides Block, File, and Object.

Elastic Stack that’s Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash (also known as the ELK Stack). Reliably and securely take data from any source, in any format, then search, analyze, and visualize it in real time.

InfluxDB is the open source time series database component of the TICK Stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor).

Veeam modern data protection for modern challenges. Backup.

Key-value pair store

!!! Note how much of very advanced functionality is enabled by the KV pair stores


DDI is (DNS, DHCP, and IP address) management.

Container orchestration

Operating systems

Service discovery

Hosted services and solutions


There is a notion of a certified hosted Kubernetes platform.

Cloud Native

In the Cloud Native approach, we design a package and run applications on top of our infrastructure (on-premise or cloud) using operations tools like containers, container orchestration, and services like continuous integration, logging, monitoring, etc. Kubernetes integrated with several tools meets our requirements to run Cloud Native applications.

Draft vs Gitkube vs Helm vs Ksonnet vs Metaparticle vs Skaffold

Serverless (FaaS)

Function as a Service (FaaS): AWS Lambda, Google ?, Azure ?




Configuration Management

These tools allow us to define the desired state of the systems in an automated way. At any point in time, we want to have a consistent and desired state of systems and software installed on them. This is also referred to as Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

Automated image builders:

Logging, Monitoring, and Security

cAdvisor (Container Advisor) provides container users an understanding of the resource usage and performance characteristics of their running containers. It is a running daemon that collects, aggregates, processes, and exports information about running containers. Specifically, for each container it keeps resource isolation parameters, historical resource usage, histograms of complete historical resource usage and network statistics. This data is exported by container and machine-wide.

cAdvisor has native support for Docker containers and should support just about any other container type out of the box. We strive for support across the board so feel free to open an issue if that is not the case. cAdvisor’s container abstraction is based on lmctfy’s so containers are inherently nested hierarchically.

Distributed Tracing

With widespread adoption of microservices comes the need to have facilities to troubleshoot unexpected behaviours and latency issues. This may be very hard, due to the distributed nature of modern systems.

Distributed tracing serves to solve this problem.

Wavefront, now called VMware Tanzu Observability (bleurgh).

Service Mesh

Data Plane

Control Plane


This is not a vendor, but I have no better place to record this for now.